Saturday, September 24, 2011

For a few pictures more . . .

Yesterday I went to King's Park in Bangkok with my fellow teachers Cherry and Maud.  The day was overcast and kind of lousy, and it was mid-morning, so we essentially had the park all to ourselves.  Here are some of the pictures that were half-decent (a term which may actually be too generous in some cases).

Outdoor gym in King's Park.

Rocks in front of pond.

Strange monument to a strange paddle/pontoon boat.

One of the many bridges in King's Park.

Monument and building.

I like to climb monuments.

Told you.

Another perspective.  This is what life looks like as a cobblestone with limited depth perception.

HDR image of a flower in front of two bridges.  Don't you wish these captions were actually informative?

Two bridges behind a flower.  Still not informative.

Building visible from anywhere in King's Park.

My fellow teachers, Maud (left) and Cherry.

Close photograph of a Buddha who seems to say, "Shhh . . . ut up."

HDR image of a Buddha, still a little angry that you're talking in his garden.  Interestingly, the Buddhas in Thailand are not fat and jolly like the Buddhas in American Chinese restaurants.

Buds in front of a cool house in a pond.

HDR image of cool house in a pond.
Flower growing in a pond.  Can you imagine that, just growing in a pond?

HDR image of an average Thai bicycle.

Those were the images I captured during my excursion to King's Park on Friday.  I hope you enjoyed them.

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