There is no flooding where I am. My location in southeast Bangkok is less at risk than the western and northern borders of the city. That being said, my apartment and school are located just under two kilometers (1.25 miles) from Ramkhamhaeng, the lowest point in town. So, if the water does feel so motivated, I could potentially be living in and around a pretty deep puddle for a little while. But as of right now, that doesn't seem likely.
Oh, the media would like you to believe that we're all neck-deep right now (and, as I'm thinking about it, it will probably flood as soon as I publish this; not because I am important, but rather because I am wrong at a prolific level), but the honest truth is, we're not. At least not where I am in inner Bangkok.
Following the news regarding this disaster has been fairly difficult. In early October, Bangkok was on alert for a terrible disaster; a few days later, we were told that Bangkok was certainly safe; still a few days later, the government admitted that they had mishandled the situation and that Bangkok would in fact get wet. Very wet. Still later, news reports said that Bangkok's barriers would in fact hold. Now we are told that at least the middle of Bangkok will be ok. The honest truth? Nobody really knows.
But, back to my original point: the area in which I live is safe, dry and, for the time being, fairly empty. Thousands fled Bangkok with their families just last week. Most businesses are still open, but government buildings and schools (mine not included) are closed until the 15th of November. Most of my Korean students have returned to Korea with their families until the danger has passed. But life goes on, which sounds like an observation, or maybe a complaint, but is actually a word of relief.
Just for fun, enjoy this map. It's a little dated (perhaps a week or two), but shows the flooding around Bangkok. (Hint: the water is blue)
Hey Ben, "Water, water, everywhere" Do you swim? This is my first chance to read your entries. Good stuff! Be safe, stay on high ground.